October 18, 2010

Roasted Vegetables over Pasta

This was quite lovely. We followed the recipe pretty much exactly. Unfortunately, we were low on tomatoes (vine-ripened small tomatoes, not cherries) and we were too lazy to walk across the street to the always mobbed Whole Foods for additional tomatoey (did I mention that Friday's night weather was disssssgusting?).

We had wonderful penne: Montebello, organic and available from Whole Foods. Once you have this pasta, you will never buy Barilla again. It makes every meal it's a part of significantly better (and this is coming from April, someone who usually finds pasta to be a soggy cardboard vehicle for sauce).

The Cafe Fernando recipe was wonderful. It really did need more tomatoes (but that was our fault, not Fernando's). Neither of us usually care for eggplant and we loved it this way. Also, roasted mushrooms...are divine.

We had some of our typical Trader Joe's $4 Spanish wine (La Granja) with this lovely and simple pasta dish.

We will be making this dish again...but over quinoa next weekend! I am really looking forward to it, especially with the right amount of tomatoes.

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